
My inspiration to get into cartooning was this little print ad for Joy ice creams (1986/87, India), with a bunch of cartoon looking people (excluding me, of course) in it. I practiced those figures, over and over. And Tada!, here I am, doing my part of adding to the collection of whatever-you-want-to-call Cartoons.

And when I won my first ever prize in a cartooning contest (my second inspiration) at the IIT Madras “Margi Gras” festival, the first thing I bought with the prize money was a Joy ice cream.  Needless to say, I paid my dues. This is what I call “you do the crime, you buy the ice cream.”

Perhaps related, or perhaps not, I was born on the same day (not the year) as the opening of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens (1896).  Does that explain my obsession with Olympics & sports, Olympic cartoons and sports cartoons?  I don’t think so.

4 Responses to “About”

  1. Aparna says:

    Till date, I did not know about your inspiration to get into cartooning.
    Joy Ice cream it is!!!

  2. chakri says:

    Yup, Joy Ice cream. Do you remember that brand? And of course, there were many cartoonists that inspired me: RK Laxman, Mario Miranda, Sreedhar, Gary Larson, and many more N. American and British cartoonists.

  3. Karen Finn says:

    Hi! I love your cartoons. I am a consultant working with government and non-profit organizations. I help them to become more effective in what they do and how to measure their effectiveness. I also teach leadership skills such as negotiation and teambuilding. I especially like your arm wrestling with the feather cartoon and would like to use it in a presentation. Do you charge a royalty for using your cartoons?



  4. Chakri says:

    Hello Karen, thank you for your compliments. I’m happy that you enjoyed my cartoons. Feel free to use that arm wrestling cartoon in your presentation. I wouldn’t charge you for that. In this case, sharing a little smile/laughter with your audience itself is a payment.

    Just curious – which city are you from?


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