
chakri1 ['at'] hotmail {‘dot’} com

chakri {‘dot’} gajula ['at'] gmail {‘dot’} com

18 Responses to “Contact”

  1. Sivakumar says:

    Is this my roommate Chakravarthy Gajua from OleMiss days (1991-1993) in Mississippi? If so, please send me an email. Thank you very much.

  2. chakri says:

    Vankai Siva, yes that’s me. Glad to be connected. Will email you.

  3. ChuckNoris says:

    Hi Chakri,
    Where r u? How r u? I still have your cartoon you gave me on my birthday. Remember what it was? Last time that I heard of you was someone saying the met you in an airport in Europe “long time ago”.

  4. admin says:

    Hello Chandu, good to connect back. You don’t know how many times I searched for you, mainly on Facebook. I’m living in Vancouver (CAN), but currently visiting my family in Hyd – but traveling back to Van. in couple of hours. Of course I remember that cartoon: switching between TV channels somewhere in Europe. Was it channels 7 & 8, or 17 & 18. Don’t remember the numbers. Will email you soon. Cheers. Chakri.

  5. ChuckNoris says:

    My god! you still remember it. It is Channels 8 & 9.

  6. Surbhi Mittal says:

    Wow .. I didnt know you were a cartoonist!!
    Awesome work!!
    It was nice dancing with ya at IFL!!
    keep up this passion for life and art…..
    try some cartooning on dance;)

  7. chakri says:

    Thanks Surbhi !! Usually, I don’t advertise much about my cartooning.
    Anyways, I publish twice a week (approx. 8 cartoons a month). Hey, I do have around 9 cartoons on salsa/dancing. Visit this page:
    It was fun dancing with you as well. See u soon on some dance floor.

  8. Sarah says:

    I am interested in using your pic of “Royal Flush” as an insert for an article I wrote for potty training LOL silly I know. I need your permission, not really sure how to go about this so I though I would try here first.
    Please let me know,
    Thank you

  9. chakri says:

    Hi Sarah, sure ….. you have my permission to use my Cartoon 95 for your article as long as the usage is not for commercial purposes. I’m sending a separate email to you as well.

  10. Anshuman says:

    looked at your cartoons, and really liked them. can you and will you be willing to commit to do some Kids centric sports cartoons on olympics 2012?

    I run a news website (www dot thewhiztimes dot com) for pre teens and will be doing an olympic feature from next week.

    let me know,

  11. chakri says:

    Hey Anshuman, I’m already planning on doing some cartoons for my website during this Olympics. So, let’s discuss this through emails/phone. Cheers. Chakri.

  12. Sunil Raj says:

    Hi Mr.Chakri,

    Nice to see your cartoons. Can I Know more about you?
    I thought till now, I am the most unheard cartoonist in the world. but now came to know that there are some more cartoonists who continue the passion …

    Visit my blog whenever you get time.

    thoughtology dot in



  13. Zbigniew Eysymontt says:

    I wonder if you could be so kind and agree for including your fantastic cartoon “Megan and her cardiologist boyfriend…” to my scientific presentation about revascularization late outcomes at Congres of Polish Society of Cardiology
    26.09.2013 in Wroslaw Poland
    I am cardiologist director of cardiac rehabilitation hospital
    Of course I shon the author name on the slide
    Thank you
    Kind regards

  14. chakri says:

    Hi ZE,
    I’d be more than happy to let you use that cartoon for your presentation. If you need a bigger size image than what I have on my site, please let me know. Good luck on your presentation.

  15. Kush says:

    Hi Chakri,

    I have two questions to ask:

    1. Can I share your cartoons on facebook? I will not edit your name or signature and I will mention your website in the credits.

    2. Can i transform your work. I only want to change the text in one of your cartoons and use it for a non-profit reason (share online for a forest conservation movement in Delhi). Here as well, I will mention your website and give you the image credit.

    Image link:

    The Facebook Page:

    Please let me know.

  16. chakri says:

    Hello Kush,

    I say “Yes” to both your questions. If possible, do pass on the link to my modified cartoon. I’d be curious to see it, and also to add to the list of online usages of my cartoons.

    I really appreciate you contacting me for my permission. Cheers.

  17. Carolyn Hamilton says:

    Hi t
    I really enjoyed your “Single Tick ” & ” Poly Ticks” cartoon. I’m assuming you are referring to the political problems surrounding the Lyme Disease medical community and the worlwide goverment problems.
    I know that your cartoon that shows a single tick and a group of ticks and it’s labeled poly ticks would be a very good cartoon to display within the Lyme I have your permission to post that on my facebook Lyme support groups?
    and do you have any other cartoons regarding lyme disease or any ideas that come to mind for future cartoons?
    thank you very much – CH

  18. chakri says:

    Hi Carolyn, sorry for this late reply. I had so much spam comments on my blog in the recent months that I didn’t have time to go over each to filter out the real comments. Finally I had a chance to do that today and discovered your message. I’m glad to know that you enjoyed my cartoon. It was more about comparing global politics with negative aspect of ticks. Sure, you have my permission to post it on your Facebook and Lyme support community. As of now, I do not have any other cartoons related to Lyme or ticks. If I get any new ideas around this topic, I’ll let you know. Cheers. Chakri

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