Sports Cartoon 15

4 Responses to “Sports Cartoon 15”

  1. Sarah (Frenchie) says:

    Love this marathon cartoon Chakri! Thanks!
    It reminds me why I was so hesitant to sign up for my 1st marathon in 2006. I was too impressed by the runner look. I had none of the accessories and fancy outfit required and no desire to get any of them. I finally signed up and run using my beat up $39.99 tennis shoes and voila! I did it :o ) Kisses!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks Sarah. Hey, that’s the best way to run, with some simple and necessary items: comfy cloths and shoes. Rest is mostly shoved down our throats by big sporting companies, esp. to newbies who are made to think they need all that for finishing their first marathon.

    Hope to see you (and at least some of my friends) continue to embrace fitness as a lifestyle :)

    Chakri (Indie)

  3. Ian says:

    HAHA that looks like adrian – it’s adrian isn’t it….

  4. chakri says:

    Darn, he does look like Adrian. Well, in that case, here’s my disclaimer:

    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead (or with an injured ankle and a peanut butter sandwich in left hand), is purely coincidental. :)

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